Saturday, January 10, 2009

Beethoven turns 3!

Here's my boy!  2009 is his 3rd year, and I think his birthday month is July.  I chose either July 10th or July 26th to coincide with Grace's and Tommy's natal day!  Here we are against the backdrop of his outdoor realm, the porch.  He has full view of all matter of critters and, lately, a feral kitty appears out of a nearby bush.  Mr. B. gets very agitated about this, races back in the house, back to the bedroom window so he is protected by glass. Those two have taken a shine to one another even so.  Stay tuned for more season changing poses!


  1. looks like you fixed the picture.
    Your blog is a happenin' place Meemaw!
    LVB looks good but he needs a BIG picture of him on the blog!
    Keep it up!

  2. Great picture mom! Keep it coming!

  3. Aaawww what a sweetie.

    Nice pics, Mom!

  4. Mom, this is all wonderful... be sure to take some close-ups of Beethoven and post them... especially when he's feeling clownish!

    Also, check out my story today on design blogs... I should credit Mary Chapin for all the research!
