Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Blessed Event

It was 17 years ago today that I welcomed my first grandchildren...yes, plural! Twins Steven Marshall and Leslie Chapin were born to Kenzie and Gary on a bone-chilling January 14, 1992.  It was 2 long weeks before I met them face to face, lying in their little baby chairs on the hearth in the upstairs living room.  Holding back tears, I tip-toed closer to marvel at their beauty.  Kenzie and Gary were very calm and cool, I thought.  They still are! (smile)  And, of course, Steve and Leslie have surpassed all expectations (read great kids)!  I am very proud of them.


  1. Happy 17, Les and Steve! woooo-hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    From the C'Ville cuzins

  2. Mom, thanks so much for your touching tribute to the twins... we viewed it last night at dinner on my BlackBerry... they LOVE the picture!!!

    They are wonderful kids and I feel so blessed... thank you again for this!!!
